Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes



§ 4301. Promulgation of regulations by department.

The department shall promulgate regulations governing the number, visibility, color, size, type, construction, location and use of lamps, other lighting equipment and any retroreflective surfaces on vehicles.

§ 4302. Periods for requiring lighted lamps.

(a) General rule.--The operator of a vehicle upon a highway shall display the lighted head lamps and other lamps and illuminating devices required under this chapter for different classes of vehicles, subject to exceptions with respect to parked vehicles, at the following times:

  1. Between sunset and sunrise.
  2. Any time when, due to insufficient light or unfavorable atmospheric conditions, including rain, snow, sleet, hail, fog, smoke or smog, persons and vehicles on the highway are not clearly discernible to the operator for a distance of 1,000 feet ahead.

(b) Signal lights.--Stop lights, turn signals and other signaling devices shall be lighted as prescribed in this title.

§ 4303. General lighting requirements.

(a) Head lamps.--Every vehicle, except trailers, operated on a highway shall be equipped with a head lamp system in conformance with regulations of the department. The regulations shall not prohibit a bus from being equipped with devices used to carry pedalcycles on the front of the bus.

(b) Rear lighting.--Every vehicle operated on a highway shall be equipped with a rear lighting system including, but not limited to, rear lamps, rear reflectors, stop lamps and license plate light, in conformance with regulations of the department. If a vehicle is equipped with a centrally mounted rear stop light, a decal or overlay may be affixed to the centrally mounted rear stop light if the decal or overlay meets all applicable State and Federal regulations.

(c) Turn signals and hazard warning lights.--Every motor vehicle, except motorcycles and pedalcycles, and every trailer operated on a highway shall be equipped with a system of turn signal lights and hazard warning lights in conformance with regulations of the department.

(d) Identification, clearance and side marker lights.--Every motor vehicle, trailer and combination operated on a highway shall be equipped with a system of lights which may include retroreflective reflectors, identification, clearance and side marker lights in conformance with regulations of the department.

(e) Equipment exempted by regulation.--Antique motor vehicles, animal-drawn vehicles, implements of husbandry, commercial implements of husbandry and special mobile equipment, if operated exclusively between the hours of sunrise and sunset and not during periods of reduced visibility or insufficient illumination, may be exempted from certain lighting equipment requirements of this part by regulations of the department.

(f) Off-road lighting.--Off-road lighting lamps may be mounted on the roof or roll bar of a vehicle and shall be covered with an opaque covering that prohibits any light from being emitted when the vehicle is being operated on a highway or trafficway. Any person who illuminates an off-road lighting lamp while the vehicle is being operated on a highway or a trafficway commits a summary offense and shall, upon conviction, be sentenced to pay a fine of $100.

(g) Snow plow lamps.--Snow plow lamps shall be installed as follows:

  1. Snow plow lamps shall be wired through a double throw switch so that both sets of lights will not operate at the same time.
  2. Snow plow lamps shall be aimed so that the high intensity beam does not project to left of extreme left side of vehicle, nor higher than center of lamp at a distance of 25 feet in front of vehicle. In no case shall the high intensity portion of the beam be higher than 42 inches above level surface at a distance of 75 feet ahead. The lamps shall be spaced at a distance not less than 20 inches apart and shall be symmetrically located on each side of the vehicle centerline.
  3. Fog lamps, if installed on a vehicle equipped with snow plow lamps, may be substituted for snow plow lamps anytime when, due to unfavorable atmospheric conditions, including rain, snow, sleet, hail, fog, smoke or smog, persons or vehicles on the highway are not clearly discernible to the operator for a distance of 1,000 feet ahead. Fog lamps that are used in lieu of snow plow lamps shall meet the same aiming requirements as snow plow lamps.

§ 4304. Obstructed lights not required.

Whenever motor and other vehicles are operated in combination during the time that lights are required, any lamp (except a tail lamp) need not be lighted which, by reason of its location on a vehicle of the combination, is obscured by another vehicle of the combination, but this does not affect the requirement that lighted clearance lamps be displayed on the front of the foremost vehicle required to have clearance lamps, nor that all lights required on the rear of the rearmost vehicle of any combination shall be lighted.

§ 4305. Vehicular hazard signal lamps.

(a) General rule.--Simultaneous flashing of the two front and two rear signal lamps shall indicate a vehicular traffic hazard. The driver of a motor vehicle equipped with simultaneous flashing signals shall use the signals when the vehicle is stopped or disabled on a highway, except when the vehicle is stopped in compliance with a traffic-control device or when legally parked. Drivers of other vehicles shall exercise extraordinary care in approaching, overtaking and passing a vehicle displaying vehicular hazard warning signals.

(b) Use outside business and residence districts.--Outside of a business or residence district:

  1. The driver of a motor vehicle or combination equipped with simultaneous flashing signals shall use the signals when the vehicle is unable to maintain a speed of at least 25 miles per hour because of weather, grade or other similar factors or is unable to maintain a speed consistent with the normal flow of traffic.
  2. The driver of a bus equipped with simultaneous flashing signals shall use the signals when the bus is stopped with one or more wheels on the roadway between dusk and dawn for the purpose of receiving or discharging passengers.

(c) Use below minimum speed limit.--The driver of a motor vehicle or combination equipped with simultaneous flashing signals shall use the signals when the vehicle is not maintaining at least the minimum speed established in accordance with the provisions of section 3364 (relating to minimum speed regulation).

§ 4306. Use of multiple-beam road lighting equipment.

(a) Approaching an oncoming vehicle.--Whenever the driver of a vehicle approaches an oncoming vehicle within 500 feet, the driver shall use the low beam of light.

(b) Approaching a vehicle from rear.--Whenever the driver of a vehicle approaches another vehicle from the rear within 300 feet, the driver shall use the low beam of light.

(c) Exception.--

  1. A police or sheriff vehicle which is equipped with a flashing headlamp system that conforms to regulations promulgated by the department shall be exempt from the provisions of this section only when the vehicle is being used pursuant to the provisions of section 4571(e) (relating to visual and audible signals on emergency vehicles).
  2. Nothing in this section shal limit drivers from flashing high beams at oncoming vehicles as a warning of roadway emergencies or other dangerous or hazardous conditions ahead.

§ 4307. Use and display of illuminated signs.

(a) General rule.--Except as otherwise provided in this section, no vehicle shall bear or display any illuminated signs, letters, numerals or figures of any kind whatsoever.

(b) Buses.--A bus or school bus may bear an illuminated sign stating its use or destination.

(c) Taxicabs.--A taxicab may carry on the rear or the top of the vehicle illuminated signs placed so as not to interfere with the vision of the driver through the rear window of the vehicle. The size and placement of the sign must receive approval of the department or be a type approved by the department prior to use on the vehicle.

(d) Trucks and truck tractors.--A truck or truck tractor may carry on the top of the cab roof an illuminated sign placed so as not to interfere with the vision of the driver through the windshield of the vehicle. Illuminated signs so placed shall be of a size and type designed not to interfere with or unduly distract the drivers of other vehicles on the highway. The type, size and placement of the sign must receive approval of the department or be a type approved by the department prior to use on the vehicle.

(e) Implements of husbandry.--An implement of husbandry or vehicle used exclusively for highly perishable crops for processing, operating between sunset and sunrise, shall have two rotating yellow beacons and four-way flashers operating.

§ 4308. Lighted head lamps on school buses.

Every school bus shall display lighted head lamps during the entire period that the school bus is in operation.

The complete Pennsylvania Statutes are not yet available on the web. However, selected portions have been made available and can be accessed by CLICKING HERE. These statutes, though available instantaneously over the web, may not be the current law. Court decisions overturning them, later statutes amending them, and a host of other factors come into play when interpreting them. They are provided here as a resource. They should provide some information about the state of the law. However, a competent lawyer, who from other sources will research the law to insure what is current, should always be employed in matters of importance.

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